Ecological-Cenotic Role of the Species of Grass-Dwarf Shrub Layer in Artificial Plantations of Scots Pine

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №1

Ecological-Cenotic Role of the Species of Grass-Dwarf Shrub Layer in Artificial Plantations of Scots Pine

About the authors:

Alexander M. Shishkin, Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Management, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (Tyumen);

Oksana A. Kulyasova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (Tyumen);


The article discusses the features of the distribution of species of grasses and mosses on ecological-cenotic groups depending on age cultures of the Scots pine. It was established that the plants of the ground cover of artificial pine plantations and control mixed grass birch forests belong to 6 ecological-cenotic groups: weed, meadow, forest-steppe, deciduous, forest, pine forest and taiga. It is shown that in natural birch forests the leading cenotic role belongs to deciduous forest species, while in middle-aged pine cultures coniferous and taiga species take the important part in the formation of the living ground cover, indicating that the formation of the ecological regime peculiar to coniferous forests. The proportion of meadow and forest ecological-cenotic groups species is the highest in non-closed 15-year-old pine cultures and decreases with age pine plantations. The analysis of the herb-shrub vegetation species abundance showed that by replacing the birch edificator with pine, and with increasing the pine stands age, the participation in the composition of tier cereals significantly reduces, and the cenotic role of heather species increases.


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