Dynamics of the Phenological Phenomena in Life of Mammals of the Middle Taiga of Western Siberia between XX-XXI Centuries

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №1

Dynamics of the Phenological Phenomena in Life of Mammals of the Middle Taiga of Western Siberia between XX-XXI Centuries

About the authors:

Sergey N. Gashev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen; gsn-61@mail.ru

Alexander M. Vasin, Leading Researcher, “Little Sosva” National Natural Reserve (Sovetsky); msosva@gmail.com

Tatyana L. Bespalova, Сand. Sci. (Biol.), Deputy Director for Science, L. F. Stashkevich “Kondinsky Lakes” Natural Park (Sovetsky); bespalovatl@inbox.ru

Aleksandra Yu. Esengeldenova, Research Associate, L. F. Stashkevich “Kondinsky Lakes” Natural Park (Sovetsky); aleksandra090@mail.ru


The article considers the dynamics of the phenological phenomena in the life of mammals of the middle taiga in Western Siberia between XX-XXI centuries. The analysis of materials allows to conclude that the phenological phenomena, characteristic for mammals, in an average taiga of Western Siberia have more or less expressed tendency to earlier calendar terms of occurrence of the majority of dates in 1982-2016. Thus, the autumn phenological phenomena prove as more sensitive in comparison with the spring. It is possible to assume also the connection of this dynamics with the changes of regional climate in the same interval of time, which defines the more contrast continental weather conditions that are shown during the warm period in the middle taiga as more arid with shorter transition periods (spring and autumn). The most significant correlations of the phenological phenomena of mammals with average annual temperature and annual amount of precipitation are observed for the group of phenomena which are minimally connected with the biotic factors (molt terms) in comparison with the reproductive phenomena or the terms of migrations.


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