2016, Vol. 2. №4About the authors:
Olga N. Lepunova, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University; lepunovaolga@mail.ruAbstract:
The work was to evaluate the level of health and physical development of children of school age living in rural areas. It is shown that children most frequently have such pathologies as: impaired posture (42%), caries (39%) and myopia (25%). Maximum number of surveyed rural students can be attributed to the II group of health (66%), absolutely healthy children accounted for 30%. Parents of the examined children have a low level of knowledge about the healthy way of life. Students are often irrational and do not comply with the regime of the day. Most students have a normal body weight. Identified shortfalls and excess body weight. Overweight was more often detected in adolescence. The number of children between 7 to 18 years with low Shapovalova index values, which demonstrates the strength of the abdominal muscles increases. The greatest number of students with weak muscle development was observed among girls.