Konchological Variability of Land Snail Xeropicta Krynickii Kryn.: The Analysis of Multifactorial Complexes

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Konchological Variability of Land Snail Xeropicta Krynickii Kryn.: The Analysis of Multifactorial Complexes

About the authors:

Konstantin N. Khlus, Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Bioorganic and Biologic Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine, Chernivtsi); khlus_k@rambler.ru

Larisa N. Khlus, Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Teacher at ChOCENTUM; khlus_k@rambler.ru


The new approach to complex studying variability qualitative and quantitative konchological parameters of land snail on the example of Xeropicta krynickii Kryn. (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Geophila: Hygromiidae) has been approved.

The material for the study is based on 10 samples of spatially separated populations of the species that lived in different biotopic and climatic and geographical conditions with different anthropogenic (urbo-, technological and recreational) load. There was no population screening, directed at the accumulation of xeropicta with a certain background color shells in specific habitats: in each of the test sample ratio of clams with shells background various shades close to that in the general population. It is found that the color of the strips on the shell at X. krynickii plays an important role in adaptation to the environment and is a representative feature within the study of the species.

Biserial correlation factor can be successfully used to analyze the possible connection of qualitative and quantitative konhological traits of terrestrial mollusks, in particular, gigromiid. The most significant figure to the mouth of the shell perimeter.


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