2016, Vol. 2. №3About the authors:
Vladimir R. Tsibulsky, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Problems of Development of the North, Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; v-tsib@yandex.ruAbstract:
The authors introduce the method of restoration of early missing phases of increment curves of Siberian pine, scots pine and larche in the tree-ring chronologies of the North Western Siberia received from the core or damaged by decay samples. The method is based on the formation regularities of annual rings in different phases of tree life cycle (juvenile, immature, and virginal) taking into account the regional features. The carried-out reconstruction is checked by polynomial approximation method. When calculating the rings of various coniferous trees, approximate corrections to the age of trees are given. The method can be used to restore the increment curves of coniferous trees in adjacent northern regions.