On The Reconstruction of the Paleoclimate and Biota in the Western Siberia According to Group Palynospectrum

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №3

On The Reconstruction of the Paleoclimate and Biota in the Western Siberia According to Group Palynospectrum

About the authors:

Alexander A. Konovalov, Dr Sci. (Tech.), Сhief Researcher, Institute of Problems of Development of the North, Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; konov7@rambler.ru

Sergey N. Ivanov, Researcher, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, SB RAS; ivasenik@rambler.ru


The article presents a method to determine the main climatic and biotic indicators (species abundance, diversity, productivity, and biomass of vegetation) in the Holocene period according to the group of spore-pollen spectra (for conditions of the Western Siberia: mainly for the Tyumen and adjacent regions). Usually the spore-pollen spectra are divided into three groups. The first group includes the pollen of trees and shrubs, the second group — the pollen of dwarf shrubs and herbs, the third group — spores. Groups reflect the equity participation in the floristic complex of the upper, middle, and lower levels, depending on the climate. The climate mostly effects the dominant D — the group with the largest weight. The influence of the other two groups manifests together. The influence of each of the smaller groups separately can be neglected. The theoretical basis of the method is the principle of actualism, which involves the analogy of the forms of the relationships between the composition of vegetation and the climate in the past and present. It allows to reduce the paleoclimatic reconstruction to establishing the links between the modern climate and the surface pollen spectra. The elements of climate and the overall composition of vegetation in the palynological spectra are presented equally as a dimensionless dichotomy of the dominant and subdominant. The formulas of communication of the majority of dimensionless and dimensional climate indicators and spore-pollen spectra have been obtained. Examples of the distribution of the dominant depth and time in the Holocene are given.


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