Nature Management in the Priishimye Region: the Kazan District’s Forest Resources and Their Use

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №3

Nature Management in the Priishimye Region: the Kazan District’s Forest Resources and Their Use

About the author:

Alexander Yu. Solodovnikov, Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Associate Professor, Head of Scientific-Research Ecological Department, SurgutNIPIneft (Tyumen Branch);


The most southern part of the Tyumen region, including the Kazan district, is located in the forest-steppe zone, where greater amounts of forests are replaced by the steppe. There are no large forests like in the nearest sub-steppe zones because of the climate conditions, which have no connection to the human agricultural activities. Yet this does not mean that human activities have no influence over the forests. For centuries, forests have been used in economic life, and the most significant factor affecting the population is their logging — both by companies and residents log. Due to the fact that forests are logged in lesser amounts than it is allowed, and that there are forest-rehabilitative measures performed, one can observe the tendency to the natural resurgence.


  1. Gvozdetskiy N. A. (ed.). 1973. Fiziko-geograficheskoe rayonirovanie Tyumenskoy oblasti [Physico-Geographical Zoning of the Tyumen Region]. Moscow: MSU.
  2. Kalin V. M. (comp.). 2006. Lesnoe khozyaystvo Tyumenskoy oblasti [The Forestry of the Tyumen Region]. Yekaterinburg: Sred.-Ural. kn. izd-vo.
  3. The Tyumen Region Governor’s Order of January 23, 2014, no 8. Supplement “Lesnoy plan Tyumenskoy oblasti” [The Forest Plan of the Tyumen Region].
  4. Zapsiblesproekt. 2013. Lesokhozyaystvennyy reglament Kazanskogo lesnichestva Tyumenskoy oblasti [The Forestry Order of the Kazan Forest District in the Tyumen Region]. Novosibirsk: Zapsiblesproekt (Roslesinforg branch).