2016, Vol. 2. №2About the author:
Vasyliy V. Popovych, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Department of Ecological Safety, Lviv State University of Life Safety (Ukraine); popovich2007@ukr.netAbstract:
One of the most common bio-indicators of environmental conditions for edaphotopes are earthworms. During the process of their bioindication with the help of earthworms, it is common to use such criteria, as the number of individuals, survival rate, the degree of damage to the external surfaces, and the intensity of metabolism. In some studies of the technologically contaminated edaphotopes such criteria, as speed earthworm burrowing into the soil, are used.
Physico-chemical and mechanical properties of edaphotopes from landfills may differ drastically in various areas. The main reason for this phenomenon is violation of the rules of landfills operation, uneven coating (or the absence) of bulk soil, chaotic abstraction, and leachate accumulation.
The aim of this work was the bioindication of technogenic landfills edaphotopes using earthworm activity.
The vital activity of earthworms is observed on the northern slope of the exposures that suggests the formation of the only positive here edaphope-climatopic conditions for the flora development.