Physiological state of respiratory system of the young males taking narcotic drugs

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Physiological state of respiratory system of the young males taking narcotic drugs

About the author:

Elena S. Yagudina, Senior Tutor and Sports Trainer, Center of Recreational Physical Education, Tyumen State University;


The paper presents the results of the research of respiratory system of the young males who take opium narcotic drugs from time to time. There have been examined 205 young males from 17 to 21 years old. Among them, 65 persons have parents (one or both) depending on psychoactive substances (alcohol); 40 tested persons who have no parents depending on psychoactive substances have been listed in group II. 100 healthy students of Tyumen State University who deny the facts of taking narcotic drugs are in the third control group. By comparison with the healthy young males, the study has revealed a lower level of development of the main indicators of external respiration: actual quantity of lung vital capacity, delay in hypoxic respiratory samples, Skibinski index value. The intensity of changes depends on the family hereditary and the duration of drug use. These changes are probably caused by the decrease in basic anthropometric indications of young male drug users, and by direct influence of the used narcotic drugs.


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