Feed quality of pastures of south-western slope of Mt. Aragats in Armenia

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Feed quality of pastures of south-western slope of Mt. Aragats in Armenia

About the author:

Tatevik A. Sargsyan, Junior Researcher, Department of Bioenergy and Feed Supplies, Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia; tatevik.sargsyan@cens.am


The paper summarizes the results of laboratory studies on feed quality indices of mixed samples and particular meadow plant groups (grasses, legumes, forbs) grown at three experimental sites of different vertical zones of Mt. Aragats. The range of variations of gross energy (16.7-19.2 MJ/kg), crude protein (9.8-25%), fat (1.7-4.9%), cellulose (16-37%), phosphorus (0.28-0.72%) and calcium (0.7-2.6%) contents of plants’ dry biomass are identified. It is shown that plant growth conditions within the studied macro slope do not induce significant effect on energy and nutritional values of the studied grasslands. The maximum content of crude cellulose in all studied sites is inherent to the grasses; meanwhile other parameters of fodder value are higher in biomass of legume forages. On the basis of the obtained data on the content of copper and lead in soils and plants, it is calculated the coefficient of biological absorption (CBA) which varies within 0.12-0.34, i. e., according to the A. I. Perelman scale, they can be attributed to the elements of middle biological capture.


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