The quality of potable water in Nefteyugansk district

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №2

The quality of potable water in Nefteyugansk district

About the authors:

Alexander Yu. Solodovnikov, Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Associate Professor, Head of Scientific-Research Ecological Department, SurgutNIPIneft (Tyumen Branch);

Dmitry A. Solodovnikov, Master Degree Student, Institute of Earth Sciences, Tyumen State University;


The article studies the quality of drinking water consumed by the population in Nefteyugansk district, Nefteyugansk and Pyt-Yakh. The last two are autonomous municipalities located on the territory of Nefteyugansk district. The population supply with quality potable water is one of the top-priorities. There is much water on the north of Tyumen region of which the Middle Ob with Nefteyugansk district included. But this water could not be consumed without extra cleaning measures due to the high-level concentration of iron, biogenic substances, heavy metals, and so on. This is not just the result of agricultural activity but the natural specification of the region. The oil-pathfinders discovered that in the 1950-1960s. 
The hydrogeologists started to research the great amounts of subsurface waters when they realized that the surface waters were not clean enough for drinking. But the situation is the same with the subsurface waters: a lot of hazardous substances for human body are found. Because of this a lot of cleaning systems are set at the large industrial facilities in all municipalities. These measures help to provide the population of the region with quality potable water.


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