The Combined Assessment of the Students’ Organism Integrative Activity in Different Academic Departments of Physical Education

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Combined Assessment of the Students’ Organism Integrative Activity in Different Academic Departments of Physical Education

About the authors:

Ruslan A. Gaynullin, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education, Bashkir State Medical University;

Alexander P. Isayev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Director of Sport Science Research Centre, South Ural State University (Research Institute);


The functional and metabolic condition and health level evaluations indicate the presence of passionarity, genotypic factors, and environmental conditions in student’s life, as well as their lifestyle and behavior. Health improvement in universities is carried out by health centers in the USA and France, by the departments of Physical Education and health, sports clubs, fitness, aerobics and strength training centers in Russia, and by recreational sports associations in Finland. The health improvement programs with the enrollment of 60-70% of students have been created in some countries (such as Holland, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden), and similar health improvement programs can be found in China, Japan, Germany, and Austria. Environmental, socio-economic, and political instability of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century has negatively affected life quality, energy potential, reproductive health level, human well-being, and the valeologization of the educational process. In addition, it should be noted that in the 20th century students “obtained” information, while in the 21st century they have learned to get it passively. The practicality of computer training without designing, modeling, and expecting the activity results harms students’ information space as well. The indiscriminate information excess damages modern people health, while systematically organized fitness and sporting environment of educational institutions with the account of park areas, mentality, and passionarity of trainees will enhance the effectiveness of these activities.


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