The Influence of Fitness Activities on the Level of Physical Development, Measurements of Cardio-Vascular and Respiratory Systems of Male Adolescents Aged 16-17 Years

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Influence of Fitness Activities on the Level of Physical Development, Measurements of Cardio-Vascular and Respiratory Systems of Male Adolescents Aged 16-17 Years

About the author:

Lyudmila I. Katashinskaya, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Geography and their Teaching Methods, Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after P. Yershov (Tyumen State University Branch);


The authors of the article have carried on a research on the fitness exercise influence on the level of physical development and the measurements of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems of adolescent males of 16-17 years.
Nowadays the search for effective ways of health improvement and physical development of school children is a topical issue. One of the most available and popular means of increasing the level of motor activity and health improvement is power fitness. 
It was determined that power fitness exercises influence the level of personal physical development. Among adolescent males, who engage in this kind of activity, the majority were the people with high and average level of physical development. The adolescent males, who engage in fitness, improved the time measurements of breath holding when breathing in and out, which corresponded to the average characteristics of athletes. 
Fitness exercises also influence power abilities. Power index of the adolescent males, who engage in power fitness, corresponds to the average characteristics of athletes and is generally higher than that of the adolescents from the control group. 
The activity of cardio-vascular system is in the process of adaptation to life conditions including physical power loads; it results in the lower frequency of heart beating and decrease of the diastolic arterial blood pressure level of male adolescents who engage in fitness.


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