Purge & Trap Application to the Determination of Volatile Oxygen-Containing Compounds in Water

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Purge & Trap Application to the Determination of Volatile Oxygen-Containing Compounds in Water

About the author:

Dinara S. Shapenova, Assistant, Department of Organic and Environmental Chemistry, Tyumen State University; dshapenova@utmn.ru


The article shows that the sequence “gas extraction – two-stage thermal desorption with a cooled quartz trap – capillary gas-liquid chromatography” is effective to determine the oxygen containing VOCs in aqueous extracts of different materials. All steps of VOCs extraction from the aqueous phase prior to GLC analysis have been optimized. Calibration of the eight components (acetone, methyl, ethyl and butyl acetates, propyl, isopropyl, butyl and isobutyl alcohols) has been performed, all the calibration curves were linear and suitable for determining the concentration of analytes at ½ MPC. The proposed methodology has been compared with the technique that involves analyzing the equilibrium vapor phase at elevated temperatures.


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