The Impact of Technogenic Pollution on the Plant Formation in the Environment of the Priobsky Waste Landfill

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Impact of Technogenic Pollution on the Plant Formation in the Environment of the Priobsky Waste Landfill

About the author:

Galina A. Petukhova, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University;


The current research analyzes the impact of oil production on the fundamental structure of every ecosystem — on its producers. The authors have studied the plant formation under the conditions of technogenic pollution at the landfill site Priobsky and have discovered that technogenic pollution has a negative impact on the state of all structural phytocenosis components causing its digression. Industrial pollution leads to changes in floristic composition and reduction in the total projective cover. Among all the identified ecomorphic groups of herbaceous plants the species with a ruderal strategy (mesotrophe and mesophytes) predominate, because they are able to colonize and inhabit new “extreme” conditions.
The extent of the digressive changes in phytocenoses reflects the level of technogenic pollution in the areas of research. According to the decreasing order of phytotoxicity, Priobsky landfill areas can be arranged in the following order: the eastern part > the northern part > the southern part > the control part.


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