The Value of the Rowan-Tree in the Nutrition of Carnivorous Animals of Russia

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Value of the Rowan-Tree in the Nutrition of Carnivorous Animals of Russia

About the author:

Anatoly D. Chesnokov, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming named after Professor B.M. Zhitkov;,


The article analyzes the value of the rowan tree in the nutrition of carnivorous animals in 20 regions of the Russian forest zone. Rowan is of great importance for such predators as sable, marten, omnivorous bear, fox (to a lesser degree) that eat solely its berries. In winter months rowan berries are found in stomachs and excrements of the sable in 50…92 and even 100 percent of cases. In summer period eating rowan berries does not exceed 22.2%. During the period from January to April one sable eats 48 kg of rowan berries.
During the autumn and winter seasons in the years of rich harvest the amount of rowan berries in marten stomachs varies from 30.8 to 34.0% reaching the maximum of 66.7-100%. In summer the concentration of rowan berries in stomachs does not exceed 0.7-0.2%. However, within the Zhiguly area (Kirov Region) and in the North Caucasus rowan berries make from 6.0-16.9% up to 33.4-36.5% in the diet of the animal. 
In the summer-autumn season the brown bear’s diet in certain regions consists of rowan berries making up 60-100%.
When there is a deficiency of an animal food, the fox eats rowan berries in the summer-autumn season.


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