Ecomorphs and Cenotypes of Live Ground Cover Plants in Birch Forests in the South of Western Siberia

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Ecomorphs and Cenotypes of Live Ground Cover Plants in Birch Forests in the South of Western Siberia

About the author:

Oksana A. Kulyasova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (Tyumen);


The article discusses the distribution features of live ground cover vegetation in herbaceous birch forests of West Siberia according to the ecomorphs and coenotic types. The ecomorphs of the birch forests flora are analyzed in their relation to such modes of direct-acting factors, as moisture, salt richness of soil, and acidity of soil. It has been determined that the leading positions in the birch forests live ground cover are taken by mesophytes among the hydromorphs, by mesotrophs and eumesotrophs among the trofomorphs, and by neutrophils and mesoacidophils among the acidomorphs. The analysis of the plants life forms according to their vegetative propagation has showed that long-root species dominate in the grass formation. A fairly high proportion of species capable of active development of free territories shows good competitiveness of the grass cover and its resistance to adverse external impacts, including anthropogenic. It is shown that there are eight groups of plants suitable for practical use in the ground cover of birch herbaceous plants. The most numerous are medicinal plants and the species that can serve as a fodder for farm livestock.


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