Circadian Dynamics of Сandida Fungi Biofilm Formation

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Circadian Dynamics of Сandida Fungi Biofilm Formation

About the authors:

Zhanna B. Kostyrina, Assistant, Department of Commodity Merchandising and Food Technology Tyumen State Oil and Gas University;

Marina V. Nikolenko, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology Tyumen State Medical University;


Experimental research refers to the field of biology, namely, the microbiological laboratory diagnostics of fungi. The study of the microbial communities (biofilms) genesis and the development peculiarities is one of the crucial stages in the further medical microbiology development. The authors suggest a chronobiological research technique to study the biofilm-formation activity of Candida species isolates. The research has revealed that the amplitude variations of the film-formation among the Candida species clinic isolates occur in accordance with the general regularities of biosystems existence in the course of time and are not contingent on the type of the microgerm. It has been discovered that the circadian rhythm period with the maximum indicator value of the film-forming activity in the morning hours is typical for the fungi, obtained from healthy Candida carriers. It has been proved that the ultradian harmonics of the activity oscillation (approximately 12 hours long) with the maximum indicator value in the morning hours (from 10.50 am to 12.30 pm) and night time are typical for the Сandida species isolates, obtained from the people infected with Candidiasis. The conducted experiments made it possible to identify the universal rhythmometrical characteristics (including the input of the rhythm and gain-phase stability), enabling us to characterize the patient's condition (carriage, disease) with high and more precise confidenceс.


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