The First Finding of Nitella Syncarpa (Thuillier) Chevallier (Nitellaceae, Charophyta) in the West Siberian Plain

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The First Finding of Nitella Syncarpa (Thuillier) Chevallier (Nitellaceae, Charophyta) in the West Siberian Plain

About the authors:

Tatyana V. Sviridenko, Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University;

Boris F. Sviridenko, Dr. Sci.(Biol.), Head Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University;

Yury A. Murashko, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Leading Researcher Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University;

Yana I. Kotelnaya, Senior Laboratory Assistant Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University;


For the first time in the West Siberian Plain there was found a fertile population of the Nitella syncarpa (Nitellaceae, Charophyta) macroscopic algae. The article discusses the hydrochemical parameters of the studied water body and the floristic composition of the aggregation with N. syncarpa, briefly discussing the morphology of the thallomes and gametangia of the collected specimens, and presenting some photographs of the species.


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