2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the authors:
Peter A. Sukhoy ,Abstract:
Structural analysis and comparative assessment of the current state of land fund use in the Prut-Dniester region of Chernivtsi region is carried out. The results of territory’s ecology study are presented. On the basis of different methods, the coefficient values of arable land and general agricultural development of land recourses at the level of primary administrative territorial units with their further reference to the boundaries of physical-geographical regions are determined. The degree of each area ecological balance is calculated, the ways to optimize the spatial structure of agricultural landscapes are presented. The coefficients of land economic turnover, ecological sustainability, environmental stability, as well as anthropogenic impact are determined. The comparative evaluation of anthropogenic transformation of the Prut-Dniester lands in Chernivtsi region depending on the economic development is carried out. The calculated area of environmentally sustainable land is characterized by increased anthropogenic impact. The ways to optimize the use of land resources according to their ecological status are presented.Keywords:
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