The natural resources management in the Taz river basin: mineral resources of Krasnoselkup district and their use

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

The natural resources management in the Taz river basin: mineral resources of Krasnoselkup district and their use

About the author:

Alexander Yu. Solodovnikov, Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Associate Professor, Head of Scientific-Research Ecological Department, SurgutNIPIneft (Tyumen Branch);


The article considers the modern condition of mineral recourses of the least researched district of Yama-Nenets Autonomous Area — Krasnoselkup district. Despite the fact that there were a lot of hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration operations in this territory, the district is still less researched in comparison with neighboring Purovsk district, the territory of which was started to research at the same time. There are some reasons but we shall underline three main ones: the first one — the lack of whole-year transport communications, the second — difficult environmental conditions, and the third — the political-economic crisis of the late 1980s — the early 2000s. Despite all the economic, political and other difficulties, the geological enterprises of Krasnoselkup district had well researched big areas in the western part of the region with the discovery of hydrocarbons, subsurface waters and some ore deposits. But due to the remoteness from main transport lines, the mineral resources extraction is limited only by the extraction of hydrocarbons but it is a matter of time when other mineral resources would be produced.


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