The influence of learning process on boby resistance of medical students

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

The influence of learning process on boby resistance of medical students

About the authors:

Nurlan K. Smagulov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Karaganda State Medical University;

Maral A. Kaliyeva,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization, Karaganda State Medical University

Ainur A. Adilbekova, Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Karaganda State Medical University;


According to medical aid appealability, morbidity characterizes the degree of resistance of students’ organism, their ability to resist the adverse environmental factors, including social environment. The paper estimates the incidence rate among medical students in educational process. The object of the study is the students of Karaganda State Medical University (KSMU). Assessment of the health status of students was based on the results of the in-depth analysis of morbidity with temporary disability by the method of N. V. Dogle, A. Ya. Yurkevich (1984). An indicator such as the total percentage ratio of people who was ailing and who was not (31.2% / 68.8%) says about the negative impact of intensive learning process at the medical university on the students’ health. In fact, one-third of the students get sick, this is a significant indicator. Analysis of morbidity rate of students according to place of residence showed that at 1st year all morbidity rates of non-resident students were significantly higher than of local students. Assessment of the structure of disease nosology showed that infectious diseases were at first place, accounting for 35% of all diseases. They were followed by diseases of the genitourinary system (25%), and in the third place there were respiratory diseases (20%). Among the infectious diseases the lion’s share is taken up by angina, acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, among respiratory diseases — chronic pharyngitis, somewhat below — chronic bronchitis. All the morbidity rates reflect the overall reduced level of resistance of the students’ organism, which shows a pronounced negative impact of educational technology on the health indicators of young people.


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