Responsiveness of peripheral erythron in children with inflammatory respiratory system

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Responsiveness of peripheral erythron in children with inflammatory respiratory system

About the authors:

Sergey L. Sashenkov, Dr Sci. (Med.), Professor, Normal physiology Department, South Ural State Medical University (Chelyabinsk)
Larisa V. Alacheva, Assistant, Normal physiology Department, South Ural State Medical University (Chelyabinsk)


Peripheral erythron in the children with inflammatory diseases of respiratory system responds to hypoxia and inflammation. The study involved 120 children at the age of 1 to 6 years, admitted to pulmonology with diagnoses: pneumonia, acute obstructive bronchitis or recurrent obstructive, acute nonobstructive bronchitis or recurrent, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the acute phase of the disease, sickly children. It has been found out that functional properties of erythrocytes significantly changed in the children with inflammatory diseases of respiratory system. Red blood cells are actively involved in the pathological process, which is manifested in damage to erythrocyte membranes, increasing their permeability and the change in electrokinetic properties, violation of erythrocytes energy metabolism. Functional state of erythrocytes depends on the course of inflammatory process. And in the early stages, the changes relate to the functional state of erythrocyte membranes and metabolism; quantitative indicators change later.


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