Assessment of cognitive functions among children with different types of functional brain asymmetry and speech defects

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Assessment of cognitive functions among children with different types of functional brain asymmetry and speech defects

About the authors:

Nailya Z. Bakieva, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Vital Activity Security, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University
Nadezhda N. Grebneva, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Department of Biomedical Sciences and Vital Activity Security, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University


The article describes the link between the type of functional brain asymmetry and speech defects among the children of preschool age. Special attention is paid to the assessment of cognitive functions among children with speech defects depending on the risk factors (gestation, parturition) and a type of functional brain asymmetry. The correlation between the health of the mother and child’s speech defects has been revealed. The high incidence of the sinistral signs in individual type of functional brain asymmetry among preschool children with speech defects is registered. The analysis of indicators of cognitive functions among children showed that low levels were consequences of a pathological anamnesis of the child rather than of a type of functional brain asymmetry.


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