Ecological valance of ontogenetical structure of actaea spicata l. cenopopulations in the south of Tyumen region

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Ecological valance of ontogenetical structure of actaea spicata l. cenopopulations in the south of Tyumen region

About the authors:

Boris S. Kharitontsev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Senior Researcher, Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Mauliha S. Sharafutdinova, Рostgraduate student, Tyumen State University


A. spicata L. cenopopulations, growing in the lime woods in the south of Tyumen region, are ecologically charactersied according to the D. N Tsyganov’s scales. The possible and implemented environmental valences, the eco-efficiency ratio are calculated. The results showed that lighting-shading scale for this kind can be extended to 0.18 degree to the left, and the scale of soil acidity — 0.10 degree to the right. The main limiting factors for A. spicata L. are climate (TM = 0.21; KN = 0.37; OM = 0.38) and lighting (Lc = 0.38). All cenopopulations are not complete, except cenopopulations 3. The type of their age spectrum, in most cases, is unimodal and left-handed with autonomic factions. Transitive cenopopulations (1), ripening cenopopulations (10), mature cenopopulations (6), and young cenopopulations (2-6, 8-9) are identified according to “delta-omega” classification.


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