Vegetation gas resistance in the area of landfill influence

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Vegetation gas resistance in the area of landfill influence

About the author:

Vasyliy V. Popovych, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Department of Ecological Safety, Lviv State University of Life Safety (Ukraine);


The study of vegetation gas resistance is an important part of a comprehensive research of vegetation adaptation to urban environment. Vegetation gas resistance is important in an urban setting. The role of vegetation that improves environmental conditions and aesthetics cannot be overestimated. Seral processes are very slow in technologically disturbed areas. Therefore, it is important to study the influence of stress factors on pioneer species.The study of vegetation gas resistance in the area of landfill influence is an important issue because the vegetation, except for high temperature of the substrate as a result of waste combustion, falls under the adverse effects of their products of incomplete combustion. In terms of environmental safety, it is important to establish the extent of plants’ damage with various gases and compounds.Mugwort, absinth, and orach are the most gas resistant plants. Greater plantain and common burdock are less resistant to the effects of toxic gases. The area of damaged leaves is analyzed for various gases. It was found that plants have undergone the greatest damage by NO2 and Cl2.


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