2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the author:
Mirgaly T. Baimukanov,Abstract:
The research of Imantau Lake fish fauna discovered a nidus of posthodiplostomosis in populations of bream Abramis brama and roach Rutilus rutilus. Bream of Imantau Lake shows multiplicity, low growth rate, atrophy and high degree of posthodiplostomosis invasion — up to 100%. The invasion affected and had a negative impact on the roach population to a smaller degree. Ameliorative bream and roach fishing is recommended to protect against epizootic, as well as to remove excessive biomass that lost market quality and to avoid the fish kill. The lack of commercial fishing in Imantau Lake since the time of National Park establishment in 1996 paid off negatively, as large numbers of bream: foreign species in the lake ecosystem — lead to epizootic and stunted fish. This circumstance prevents the population increase of others, more valuable (for development of sport fishery as well) fish species of local fish fauna, like tench, as well as acclimatization of carp.Keywords:
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