2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the authors:
Mirgaly T. Baimukanov,Abstract:
Within a buffer zone of the state natural reserve «Altyn-Dala» reservoirs which can be used for amateur (sports) fishery settle down. Researches were done on two reservoirs: the Lake of Sarykopа and the river Uly-Zhylanshyk which relating to the Tobol-Torgay water management basin of Kazakhstan. At researches the integrated approach was applied, which providing hydrochemical, hydrological, hydrobiological and ichthyological researches are holding. The carried-out analysis of a specific variety of fishes on the basis of literary and own data showed that 13 species of fish from which two look belongs to introduced species, all others — native types live in reservoirs of the reserve. In the middle of the specified species of fish in the Red List of Kazakhstan aren't include. As a result of researches of 2013 dwelling of 8 species of fish is confirmed, dwelling of a crawfish is revealed. On the basis of own materials the annotated list of species of fish is provided, the assessment of possibility of carrying out amateur (sports) fishery in each reservoir is made.Keywords:
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