Development of Land Information Model Cadastral Works in the Company Using the Objects in the Urals Federal District

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Development of Land Information Model Cadastral Works in the Company Using the Objects in the Urals Federal District

About the authors:

Valentina A. Budarova,
Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor of the Department of land management and cadaster, Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering 

Natalia G. Cherdantseva,
Postgraduate student of the Department of land management and cadaster, Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering


The article describes an automated land information system (ZIS). The article examines land resources in the system of cadastral works from the point of view of modern computer tools and programs, electronic systems design. Also defined the particular structure of the land cadastre system. The article addresses issues of implementation of information technologies in the production process. Studied spatial database of real estate objects. The structure of the automated control system in the inventory. The study, picked up the necessary software functionality, a set of tools for creating model objects cadastral works. The article identifies the potential for the development of automated systems, also identified the main software tools developed in the Ural Federal district (URFO) in the framework of the program «Electronic Russia». In the article the model of cadastral works on the basis of the information model of the automated control system of the company, which is developed on the basis of information about the objects located on the territory of the Urals Federal district.


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