The gas industry of Tyumen region in the beginning of third millenium: modern condition and perspectives

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The gas industry of Tyumen region in the beginning of third millenium: modern condition and perspectives

About the author:

Alexander Yu. Solodovnikov, Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Associate Professor, Head of Scientific-Research Ecological Department, SurgutNIPIneft (Tyumen Branch);


This article is devoted to the gas industry development in Tyumen region in the beginning of 3rd millennium. Despite of the fact that natural gas in this region has being been extracted for 60 years the ammounts of this gas are still great and the gas industry plays very important role not only for the region, but for the whole country. The importance of this industry is impressive not only because of greater amounts of gas that are extracted to be exported, but because of supplying our country too. The expanding of gas extracting geography leads not only to the territorial expanding of new territories but o the improving of economic and social factors of the region. The gas supplying of rural territories plays an important role for improving their environmental conditions because they started to use modern ecologically clean combustibles and also the forests now are in lesser danger, because previously the firewood was the most common types of combustibles.The gas condensate is also a very valuable resource that is extracted by gas the companies. The amounts of gas condensate in Tyumen region are enormous and it could supply the region for decades.Due to the geological studies’ results that show the optimistic results of annual growing of the amounts of resources, we could see the greater perspectives of this region. The resource restoration coefficient exceeds the amount of gas extraction during all the years of the early XXI century, and according to the geologists’ opinion this situation should stay unchanged for long. Moreover the findings made in XX century will be useful in the 3rd millennium.


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