Influence of physical activity on sekretorny function of digestive glands and immune status of an organism

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Influence of physical activity on sekretorny function of digestive glands and immune status of an organism

About the authors:

Nina V. Sazhina, Cand. biol. Sci., associate professor, Kurgan State University
Aleksander P. Kuznetsov, Dr. Biol. Sci., Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of Human Anatomy and Physiology Department, Kurgan State
Lada N. Smelysheva, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Kurgan State University


In 28 males aged 18-24 years at rest and after bicycle exercise load capacity of 36900kg / m parallel investigated salivary, gastric, pancreas and the immune status of the organism. After physical exercise significantly increased (up to 154,6 ± 14,1%) the content of α-amylase in pancreatic juice secretion in basal conditions and up to 147, ± 18,1% under stimulated secretion. When injected into the duodenum 30ml. 0.5% solution of HCL pH of gastric juice increases from 1,96 ± 0,12 to 3,67 ± 0,47 (p<0,005). Physical activity significantly enhances the inhibitory effect on gastric secretion induced by administration of a 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid in the duodenum. It was established that administration of 0.5 ml 30% HCL solution dvennadtsatipertsnuyu intestine resulted in a reduction of segmented neutrophils, regarding the content of T lymphocytes (CD 3 +) and helper-induced CD 4 + population, CD 8 +. The level of natural killer content autorosettes and serum IgM and complement by 50% hemodialysis significantly increased. Physical activity increased the level of pancreatic secretion and decreased the percentage of lymphocytes, the absolute number of T-lymphocytes, CD 3+, CD 4+, CD 20+, NK cells and index CD 4/CD 8.


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