The assessment of the content of carbon oxide (ii) in the atmospheric air in height from the earth’s surface

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The assessment of the content of carbon oxide (ii) in the atmospheric air in height from the earth’s surface

About the author:

Natalya A. Litvinova,
Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere safety, Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering 


The article presents the results of field studies of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere in height from the earth's surface from point and mobile sources of pollution. Point sources — boilers of low and medium power. Studies have not been conducted the concentration of carbon monoxide on the height of buildings. The object of the study was a residential building. Analysis of the experimental data allowed us to obtain the calculated dependences of dimensionless concentration of carbon oxide (II) from height of building facades from various sources altitude ejection. Found border aerodynamic shadow of the building — windward and leeward. The research was carried out under the most adverse wind speed in relation to the building. The calculation of the concentration of the pollutant and built a comparative graph of the calculation results with the experimental data. Methods OND-86 does not account for points that are close to the building where there are secondary recirculating flow. These recommendations allow to consider external sources when designing the ventilation of the building.


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