Statistical analysis of the dependence of grain yield from the natural and astronomical factors in the south of the Tyumen region

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Statistical analysis of the dependence of grain yield from the natural and astronomical factors in the south of the Tyumen region

About the author:

Irina D. Akhmedova,
Cand. Sci. (Geog.), Assistant Professor of the Department of Socioeconomic Geography and Environmental Management, Tyumen State University


The article considers the dependence of crop yield from the weather and cycles of solar activity in the Tyumen area, the Tyumen Oblast. The article performs a statistical analysis of the dynamics of crop yields from 1956 to 2002 and the peculiarities of weather conditions and the cycles of solar activity. Hypothesis of the research: weather-climatic conditions influence the dynamics of the yields of grain crops. Cyclic variations of solar activity influence on the frequency of occurrence of weather-climatic situations. The practical results can be used for creation the algorithm of the risk management in the agricultural sector.


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