2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the authors:
Veronika O. Zavarueva,Abstract:
Article is devoted to a subject, important from the practical point of view: to restoration of forest ecosystems after the local fires which quantity increases in process of change of the regional climate which is characterized by continentality increase. It has been established that a full recovery of flora after surface fires requires a large amount of time. Medium intensity ground fires in birch mixed grass leads to the oppression and destruction of the forest stand, reduce the overall health and productivity of trees, weaken their growth and development. Forest fires result in changes abundance of plants living ground cover. Based on the parameters studied, 12 years after ground fire in birch forb noted an almost complete recovery phytocenosis to the original level. Based on the research can be noted that ground fires in mixed grass in birch Aromashevsky District, do not cause mass mortality of woody vegetation, but leads to a restructuring of the living ground cover, is expressed in changing the overall performance of its abundance.Keywords:
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