Weed resistance to the effects of chlorides and sulphates in the zone of influence of landfills

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Weed resistance to the effects of chlorides and sulphates in the zone of influence of landfills

About the author:

Vasyliy V. Popovych, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Department of Ecological Safety, Lviv State University of Life Safety (Ukraine); popovich2007@ukr.net


Accumulation of chlorides and sulphates in the dumps edaphotopes West Ukrainian forest-steppe district. Waste disposal sites are dangerous, since a significant effect on the environment and is a powerful pollutant of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, vegetation, soil. Salinity edaphotopes landfills causes the migration of salts in the body of plants, which have arisen as a result of natural phytomelioration and is a consequence of slowing down their growth and death. Most saline appeared foot, and less saline — surface dumps. It was established that on saline edaphotopes developing certain types ruderal vegetation. The most visible change in the color of leaves in plants is observed on the third day after the start of the experiment. The unstable species chlorophyll fading occurs in the entire leaf area. The results of studies of salt tolerance of Plantago major L., Arctium lappa L., Chenopodium urbicum L., Artemisia vulgaris L., Artemisia absinthium L. on different parts of landfills.


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