Functional data of cardio-respiratory system and physical working capacity of students who refer to a special medical health group

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Functional data of cardio-respiratory system and physical working capacity of students who refer to a special medical health group

About the author:

Lyudmila I. Katashinskaya, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Geography and their Teaching Methods, Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after P. Yershov (Tyumen State University Branch);


Functional data of blood circulation, respiration and the level of physical working capacity of students who refer to a special medical health group were researched. The data of functional state of cardio-vascular system of students from the special medical health group are within their age norm. The highest limit of the norm of the frequency of cardiac beat was established. The data obtained about systolic and minute volume of blood circulation of students from the special medical health group allow to state the adequacy of hypodinamic levels.The basic data of functional state of respiratory system of male students from the special medical health group are higher than that of their peer female students. The level of lung capacity of male students is lower than the norm. The level of of difference between the norm and the actual capacity is higher for male students. The results of hypoxic tests correspond to an average level. The female students from the special medical health group have a slightly lower level of respiratory center adaptation to hypoxia. Among the male students from the special medical health group the ones having unsatisfactory level of physical working capacity were predominant while the female students have a good or satisfactory level of physical working capacity.


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