Influence of rhizome powder of curcuma longa on morphofunctional parameters of kidneys of rats with experimental model of diabetes mellitus

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Influence of rhizome powder of curcuma longa on morphofunctional parameters of kidneys of rats with experimental model of diabetes mellitus

About the authors:

Roman I. Aizman, Professor, Head of the department of anatomy, Physiology and Life safety, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk

Anna P. Gaydarova, Graduate student, department of anatomy, Physiology and
Life safety, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk

Galina A. Koroschenko, Cand. Sci. (biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Life safety, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk
Lyudmila V. Sakharova, Cand. Techn. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of general scientific disciplines of branch, Sea state academy (Rostov)


In experiments on rats with alloxan-induced model of type 1 diabetes (DM) the effect of turmeric rhizome powder (Curcuma longa) on the state of water and mineral balance, morphological structure and function of the kidneys was studied. It is shown, that in animals with DM both on a standard diet, and after curcuma intake, there is a significant increase of creatinine and urea concentration in blood plasma that testifies to development of moderate renal insufficiency. Thus hydro- and ionuretic kidney functions in the conditions of spontaneous diuresis in both experimental groups of rats with DM in comparison with the control, changes slightly, possibly, due to compensatory responses and inclusion of reserve nephrons. At the same time in kidneys of rats with DM the characteristic damage of an investigated tissue consisting in occurrence between leaves of Shumljansky-Boumen’ capsule of protein, fiber, collagen, sulfatic glycosaminoglycans and a sclerosis of nephritic little bodies is marked. The use of turmeric optimizes the morphological processes in the kidney of animals with diabetes mellitus and reduces structural damage in the renal bodies. It is shown that the use of turmeric optimizes the morphological processes in the kidney of animals with diabetes mellitus and reduces structural damage in the renal bodies. At the same time it does not cause the distinct functional changes of kidneys and water-salt metabolism in diabetic rats compared with a standard rat diet.


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