Monitoring the lesser white-fronted goose in water lands of north Kazakhstan in 2014

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Monitoring the lesser white-fronted goose in water lands of north Kazakhstan in 2014

About the authors:

Ivan A. Zuban, M. Sc., Senior Lecturer, Department of General Biology, M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University (Petropavlovsk);

Vladimir Semenovich Vilkov , Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of General Biology, M. Kozibayev North Kazakhstan State University


In the article results of the study of lesser white-fronted geese migrating via North-Kazakhstan region in the spring and fall of 2014 are given. During the field works we examined a total of 65 ponds: 29 in spring and 36 in Autumn. In the article we describe their geography, the dates of the survey, as well as information on the nature of the water regime within the observation period. Based on the survey frame for the spring and autumn of 2014 time frames of migration of the species are stated. We set the first and last date of registration in the spring and fall. Also, we identified key stopping places for rest and feeding. The data on population size and age structure of the lesser white-fronted goose, its proportion to the total number of registered white-fronted and graylag geese, and Red-Breasted goose in the spring time are given. It amounted to 0.06% in spring and 0.14% in autumn. It is noted that in spring the studied species prefers mono-species type of pack- formation more frequently than in the fall.


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