Comprehensive geochemical monitoring of lake tsimlyanskoe (Tyumen)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Comprehensive geochemical monitoring of lake tsimlyanskoe (Tyumen)

About the authors:

Natalia S. Larina, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Professor, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, University of Tyumen;

Vasily L. Guselnikov, Chief Expert, Department of Environmental Monitoring, EcoStroyPererabotka;

Alexander A. Ustimenko, Master Student, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, University of Tyumen;


The article presents dynamics in development of one of city reservoirs in Tyumen with the help of a complex of methods and objects of analysis. Results of the time-lapse survey revealing the state of water in the lake over the last 10 years are given in this study, as well as the distribution of a number of indices (рН, an electrical conductivity, losses of ignition) and some metals by depth in the sediments of the lake. The layer-by-layer analysis of heavy metals in sediments showed an increase of the content of metals in the acid extract of sediments in the surface layer (0-5th) that indicates intensification of anthropogenous load on the lake and considerable metal entry. The percentage of easily available forms of cadmium, manganese, zinc and lead is substantial, i.e. changes in environmental conditions may cause secondary pollution of the water layer as a result of mobilization of these elements. Pollution of Tsimlyanskoe lake in Tyumen increases and has both natural and anthropogenic nature.


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