2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the authors:
Larisa P. Panicheva, Dr. Chem. Sci., Professor, Department of Organic and Ecology Chemistry, Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, TyumenAbstract:
The paper outlines the results of the study of the structure and properties of organic substances in small lakes of Western Siberia (WS). Based on the correlation between (Color Index/Corg) and (Corg/Norg), the content of autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter was assessed. It is shown that 25% of background lakes of Western Siberia are characterized by a high level of the autochthonous organic matter, another 25% of the lakes – by a high level of allochthonous organic matter, whereas 50% of lakes are characterized by a comparatively similar level of both autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter. Lakes with a high level of allochthonous material are mostly located in the wetlands of the northern and central part of Western Siberia. It was revealed that oil pollution activates the process of ammonification of the organic matter in natural waters. It is shown that the oil-polluted lakes have a reduced level of humic substances as compared to the reference lakes. The level of organic nitrogen in oil-polluted lakes is close to zero. Finally, oil-polluted lakes have an increased level of mineral nitrogen with a high ratio of balance of reduced (ammonium cation, nitrite ion) and oxidized (nitrate ion) forms.Keywords:
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