Variability of characteristics of productivity of the spike of the hybrid forms ‘triticum aestivum l.´ as the way of adaptation in various ecological and geographical conditions

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Variability of characteristics of productivity of the spike of the hybrid forms ‘triticum aestivum l.´ as the way of adaptation in various ecological and geographical conditions

About the authors:

Nina A. Bome, Dr. Sci. (Agricul.), Professor, Head of the Department of Botany, Biotechnology and Landscape Architecture, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University
Elena I. Ripberger, Post-graduate Student, Department of Botany, Biotechnology and Landscape Architecture, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University
Dieter Trautz, Dr. Sci. (Agricul.), Professor, Department of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture, University of Applied Sciences (Osnabrück, Germany)


Within two years of research (2013-2014), the impact of ecological factors on the formation of the main characteristics of the productivity of the spike of hybrid (F4; F5) forms of soft spring wheat was studied in the three geographical spots: in Russia (Tyumen region) and Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony). The spots considerably differ in their soil climatic conditions and geographical position. It is shown that the best hybrid forms surpassed standard grades in terms of biological productivity by 62,2% in the Tyumen region and by 44,1% in Baden-Württemberg, whereas no advantages were revealed in Lower Saxony. The reaction of the hybrids to sharply differing environmental conditions according to the quantity and mass of grains per spike was ambiguous. It is established that the hybrid forms had an average degree of variability according to the amount of grains per spike (CV=11-25%) and a strong degree of variability according to the mass of grain per spike (CV>25%). Hybrid combinations with the minimum and maximum scope of variation of the studied signs are observed. By means of the three-factorial dispersive analysis the share of the major factors in the phenotypic variability of the two quantitative signs of the spike is established. On the basis of the amount of grains per spike, the hybrid combinations characterized by ecological plasticity and stability in various soil climatic conditions of Russia (Western Siberia) and Germany are pointed out.


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