2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the authors:
Alexey A. Shavnin, Senior Lecturer, P. P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), University of Tyumen; shal_ishim@mail.ruAbstract:
The article presents the results of the study of regularities of formation of trace element composition of the bottom sediments that complements the previously published articles. These results indicate the content of some trace elements (Cr, Cu, Sr, V, Zn, Mo) in the bottom sediments of lakes in Western Siberia as assessed individually for each of the substrates (Al2O3 and Fe2O3). The rates presented in the article are calculated according to the previously developed material balance equations using a number of methods of statistical analysis: discriminant analysis ^ factor analysis regression analysis. This sequence allows us to reveal reliable multi-parameter regularities. The material balance equations appropriately describe the contribution of different substrates to the formation of trace element composition of the sediments as regards samples with the content of organic matter of less than 4%. The article argues that using these expressions and data concerning the microelement composition of the waters, one may evaluate the combined contribution of Al- and Fe-containing substrates to the processes of accumulation and retention of trace elements in sediments of Western Siberian lakes with an accuracy of 15%. The results can be used in evaluating the geochemical and ecological condition of the lakes of Western Siberian region.Keywords:
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