2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the author:
Tatyana I. Moiseyenko, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Deputy Director for Science, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the RAS (Moscow); moiseenko.ti@gmail.comAbstract:
In this article, we highlight findings of the study of the bream Abramis brama (L), which inhabits the middle reaches of the Chulym River (one of the largest right bank tributaries of the Ob River). We evaluated the Ecological and biological characteristics as well as features which differentiate the bream from other populations in the middle Ob River basin and the Novosibirsk reservoir. This research shows changes of the basic biological parameters and fertility depending on the age of species. Based on the linear and weight parameters, the bream from the Chulym River basin is slightly smaller than the bream from the middle Ob River basin and the Novosibirsk reservoir. Difference in body length between the breams from the middle and lower areas of the Chulym River is not significant. We also conducted a correlation analysis of fertility of the bream in relation to its biological characteristics. A high degree of positive correlation was found between the age, and indicators of absolute and relative fecundity as well as maturity coefficient. The article contains new data on the given bream´s habitat boundaries.References:
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