Mechanisms of formation of the temporal organization of biological properties of candida albicans in associative symbiosis

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014

Mechanisms of formation of the temporal organization of biological properties of candida albicans in associative symbiosis

About the author:

Marina V. Nikolenko, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology Tyumen State Medical University;


The temporal organization of physiological activity of the reference strain is a species characteristic of C. albicans. We have established the universal rhythmometric characteristics (rhythm contribution; phase and amplitude stability), which differentiate the strains obtained from healthy people from the isolates received from patients. For the first time we determine the mechanisms of formation of the temporal organization of the physiological properties of C. albicans obtained from the human body. It is established that the temporal pattern of C. albicans’ physiological activity in the healthy human body may be influenced by bacterial metabolites, representatives of dysbiotic microbiota, which reflects the symbiotic relationship of pathogens in microsymbiocoenosis. The combined effect of metabolic products of the biotope’s normal flora with subfungiostatic concentrations of antimycotics leads to conversion of the reference strain’s temporal organization into a chrono-infrastructure characteristic of fungi isolated from patients with candidiasis. It is proved that one of the environmental adaptation mechanisms of fungi C. albicans is changing rhythms of their physiological processes.


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