Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014

Ecg parameters of young male drug users

About the authors:

Elena S. Yagudina, Senior Tutor and Sports Trainer, Center of Recreational Physical Education, Tyumen State University; jagudina-lena@rambler.ru

Nikolai Ya. Prokopyev, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Tyumen State University
Lyudmila P. Avramenko, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine, Tyumen State Medical Academy


The article dwells upon peculiarities of cardiac activity of young men periodically using drugs of the opium group. The research is based on electrocardiographic data. We surveyed 105 young men aged 17-21. 65 males (the 1st test group) had parents with alcohol dependence; group II included 40 persons who had no PAS-dependent parents. The 3rd control group (100 healthy students denying use of narcotic substances). The average age was 20.3±0.6 years old; duration of drug use was 0.9±0.2 years. Analysis of ECG and ECA (electrical cardiac axis) revealed correspondence of the amplitude, Q-waves, length of segments and intervals to normal for the target age group. There was significant prevalence of functional disorders in the bioelectric myocardial activity in the groups of drug users. The frequency of disorders per 1 student equaled 0.58 cases, per hereditary tainted drug user — 2.21 cases, without hereditary problems — 1.98 cases. The QRS duration, value of QT interval, decrease in the amplitude and change of the T wave shape were on the verge of norm and pathology. Failures of automatism in young male drug users is 4.25 times more often than in students. Drug users suffer from sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia and migration of the supraventricular rhythm driver significantly more often than from other disorders. Drug users typically have a vertical electrical heart axis (dextrogram), which is associated with increased frequency of asthenic type occurrence and physiological immaturity of the myocardium. Besides, they are characterized by slow maturation of the heart muscle and myocardial metabolic disorders. The males characterized by the abovementioned conditions constitute a risk group for development a heart disease.


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