Fluorescent spectral blood analysis of women with breast cancer and its integretion into the rheological properties of blood

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014

Fluorescent spectral blood analysis of women with breast cancer and its integretion into the rheological properties of blood

About the author:

Alexey V. Belkin, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Human and Animal Physiology, University of Tyumen; alexbel2@mail.ru


The article dwells upon the results of fluorescent spectral blood analysis  of women with breast cancer and its integration into the rheological properties of blood. The authors claim that women with breast cancer after receiving treatment (III clinical group) demonstrate the emission spectrum with a maximum of emission intensity of fluorescein-dependent fluorescence emission corresponding to blood parameters of healthy people. Deformability and aggregation ability of red blood cells of healthy people and patients with breast cancer have been evaluated. It is proved that patients with  breast cancer have lower values of deformability and aggregation ability of erythrocytes in comparison with deformability and aggregation ability of healthy people. A positive correlation between the level of fluorescence and deformability, fluorescence and erythrocyte aggregation has been revealed.


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