Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014About the authors:
Yuri M. Zaharov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Academician (Russian Academy of Sciences), Head of Normal Physiology Departament, South-Ural State Medical University (Chelyabinsk, Russia)Abstract:
The results of experimental investigations of long thermal effects on metabolism and associated tissue oxygen inquiry, peripheral part of the erythron, intercellular and intermolecular relationships in hematopoietic tissue — in erythroblastic islets in the bone — marrow morphofunctional erythron units. Prolonged exposure to heat leads to a decrease of erythropoiesis, bringing the number of erythrocytes due to a decrease in oxygen consumption of tissues. The last is realized by various mechanisms of increase the deposit of erythrocytes in the spleen; accelerated elimination of erythrocytes, low stability to hemolysis; reduction of erythropoietic properties of blood; decreased production of thyroid hormones; reproduction in erythroblastic of erythrocytes islets adapted to changes in homeostasis.References:
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