Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014About the authors:
Sergey N. Gashev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen; gsn-61@mail.ruAbstract:
Long-term monitoring has shown that 9 species of bats can be encountered in the region of the Middle Zauralye. The maximum number of species is observed in the forest habitats of the subtaiga and Northern forest-steppe subbands of the southwestern part of the studied region. One of these types (Plecotus auritus) was met once only at the end of the XIX century, and another (Nyctalus noctula) was also encountered only once, at the beginning of the XXI century. The dominant species in the majority of habitats is Myotis dasycneme; the subdominant species is Vespertilio murinus; Myotis daubentoni is a species of high abundance, which assumes a subdominant position in the urbanized biotopes. Climatic changes of the last decade forced some of bat species to winter in the cities. It is shown that urbanization imposes a greater negativeKeywords:
1. Gashev, S.N. Statisticheskii analiz dlia biologov (paket programm «STATAN-1996»)[Statistical analysis for biologists (the software package "STATAN-1996")]. Tyumen, 1998. 51 p. (in Russian).
2. Laptev, I.P. Mlekopitaiushchie taezhnoi zony Zapadnoi Sibiri [Mammals of the taiga zone of Western Siberia]. Tomsk, 1958. 285 p. (in Russian).
3. Aref'ev, S.P., Gashev, S.N., Seliukov, A.G. Biological diversity and geographical distribution of vertebrates Tyumen region / In: Zapadnaia Sibir' — problemy razvitiia [Western Siberia — development problems]. Tyumen, 1994. Pp. 92-116. (in Russian).
4. Gashev, S.N. Mlekopitaiushchie v sisteme ekologicheskogo monitoringa (na primere Tiumenskoi oblasti) [Mammals in the environmental monitoring (Tyumen region)]. Tyumen, 2000. 220 p. (in Russian).
5. Starikov, V.P. Population insectivorous bats and mammals of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District / In: Biologicheskie resursy i prirodopol'zovanie: Sb. nauch. tr. Vyp. 5. [Biological resources and nature: Coll. scientific works. Issue 5]. Surgut, 2002. Pp. 44-57. (in Russian).
6. Gashev, S.N. Mlekopitaiushchie v sisteme ekologicheskogo monitoringa (na primere Tiumenskoi oblasti) (diss. dokt.) [Mammals in the environmental monitoring (Tyumen region) (Dr. Sci. (Biol.) Diss.)]. Tyumen, 2003. 396 p. (in Russian).
7. Gashev, S.N., Sorokina, N.V., Khritan'ko, O.A. Katalog chetvertichnoi (pleistotsengolotsenovoi) fauny mlekopitaiushchikh Tiumenskoi oblasti [Catalog Quaternary (Pleistocene-Holocene) mammalian fauna of the Tyumen region]. Tyumen, 2006. 180 p. (in Russian).
8. Gashev, S.N. Mlekopitaiushchie Tiumenskoi oblasti. Spravochnik-opredelitel' [Mammals of the Tyumen region. Directory determinant]. Tyumen, 2008. 336 p. (in Russian).
9. Krasnaia kniga Kurganskoi oblasti. Izd-e 2 [Red Book of Kurgan region. Ed. 2]. Kurgan, 2012. 448 p. (in Russian).
10. Gashev, S.N., Nizovtsev, D.S., Parfenov, A.D., Sorokina, N.V., Sharafutdinov, I.G. et al. On the findings of rare and new species of vertebrates in the Tyumen region [K voprosu o nakhodkakh redkikh i novykh vidov pozvonochnykh v Tiumenskoi oblasti]. Tez. dokl. III Mezhd. konf. «Okruzhaiushchaia sreda i menedzhment prirodnykh resursov» (Proc. of reports. III Intern. conf. "Environment and Natural Resources Management"). Tyumen, 2012. Pp. 54-56. (in Russian).
11. Gashev, S.N., Tomishina, A.A. Bats (Microchiroptera) zoogeographical province podtaezhnoy Tyumen region of Western Siberia [Letuchie myshi (Microchiroptera) tiumenskoi zoogeograficheskoi provintsii podtaezhnoi zony Zapadnoi Sibiri]. Mat. Mezhd. konf. «Zoologicheskie i okhotovedcheskie issledovaniia v Kazakhstane i sopredel'nykh stranakh pamiati A.A. Sludskogo» (M-ly Intern. conf. "Zoological and hunting management studies in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries memory AA Sludskii"). Almaty, 2012. Pp. 77-79. (in Russian).
12. Gashev, S.N., Sorokina, N.V., Tomishina, A.A. Bats south of the Tyumen region [Rukokrylye iuga Tiumenskoi oblasti]. Tezisy 5 Mezhd. konf. «Ekologicheskie osobennosti biologicheskogo raznoobraziia», Khudzhand, 13-14 maia 2013 (Proc. V Intern. conf. "Ecological features of biological diversity". Khujand, 13-14 May 2013). Khujand, 2013. Pp. 65-66. (in Russian)