Species composition and disribution of the butterfly family nymphalidae on the territory of the south-east of Belarus

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014

Species composition and disribution of the butterfly family nymphalidae on the territory of the south-east of Belarus

About the author:

Tatyana V. Azyavchikova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology and Nature Protection, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Ukraine)


The studies were carried out in six biotopes of the Petrikov and Gomel districts. The main methods of estimation of butterfly population numbers were a method of transect count, visual monitoring and collection of specimens. It has been determined that on the territory of the Petrikov district 11 species of the butterfly family Nymphalidae are found; on the territory of the Gomel district there are 8 species. In the Petrikov district a greater diversity is found in the mixed forest. The smallest number of dominant species is observed in the recreation park. This is the most stable community. The most disturbed balance of biocenosis is observed in the apple-tree garden. This habitat is exposed to the direct influence of anthropogenic factors. Urticaria (Aglais urticae) is the dominant species in the biotopes under study. In the Gomel district the largest variety of species is also found in the mixed forest. The smallest number of species is observed in the pine forest. The most disturbed balance of biocenosisis is found in the city recreation park. Urticaria (Aglais urticae) is the dominant species in the biotopes in question.


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