Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014About the author:
Oleg V. Kozlov, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Department of Zoology and Bioecology, Kurgan State UniversityAbstract:
Two polytypic brackish lakes of the Kurgan region differ from each other in the species composition of aquatic invertebrates’ zoocenoses. The main reason is the chemical composition of their environment. The lakes possess 11 invertebrate taxa, 8 of which are planktonic crustaceans (4 Cladocera and 4 Calanoida) and benthic larval stages of Diptera and Neoptera insects. The dominance of one species of planktonic crustaceans is observed in the lake with a lower salinity. The use of the resource of the lake and its higher competitive capacity in comparison with the polygalinic species of aquatic invertebrates allows Diaptomus castor to achieve the greatest degree of dominance. It determines the type of the faunistic complex of aquatic invertebrates in Lake Kabakta, unlike Lake Balsykty in which the system of domination is not so clearly expressed and determination of the type of the complex is not possible. According to the degree of contamination of aquatic habitats, the investigated brackish lakes are β-and α-mesosaprobic.References:
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